Saturday, December 4, 2010

Objectivism vs Subjectivism

I enrolled in one subject this semester. The course title is Qualitative Research and it's under Dr. Vicente Handa. I couldn't feel any luckier because my teacher's very passionate with what he's teaching us. The reason why I enrolled in this subject is because I badly need to update my research skills. There are only three of us in class so it's going to be a tutorial session instead of a real classroom set-up. No reportings for us. We just have to come to class prepared and well-read. We're starting on the philosophical foundations of research and everytime we start a discussion I'm always on the edge of my seat because I feel that my mind is brimming with ideas and that I'll blow up if I won't say anything. I've always have a soft spot for philosophy.

Yesterday, we discussed about Positivism and Post-positivism which are theoretical perspectives under Objectivism. Objectivism believes that there's only one truth. Most religious organizations are very objectivist in nature. I have no problem with that because I'm very much on the side of the church and well, I'm a bit of a moralist. Subjectivism is on the extreme end. It believes that there are several truths. What may be true for me may be untrue for you. Relativism comes in the picture.

I believe that there are abstract things in life that are really absolute such as faith, love, human dignity, human values, peace and morality. The rest can be relatively taken in. We all experience these in one way or another but we all feel that same thing when we pray and when we feel at peace. Even when human values are degenerating still we go back to them and look at it as the moral standard we have to follow. We have universal laws that are true in every culture and religion.

Truth is not relative. Truth is a gift from God. But how do we know these truths? Even that we have to be objective. Isn't the answer always the same thing? You look deeper into yourself and discern.

I disagreed when my teacher said we can't be in any of those extremes and that we have to be somewhere in the middle. I don't like that. You become lukewarm if that happens. You have to either be an objectivist or a subjectivist.

I guess for now I'm an objectivist.

1 comment:

  1. Love the topic mam. You have got yourself a "suki" on your blogspot na mam ^_^
