Friday, April 8, 2016

Back to Work

My 6 month leave is officially over. I reinstated last April 1st, and incidentally the university graduation fell on the same day, so I didn't have a choice but to attend it. Actually, I had a choice. The HR advised me to take a sick leave, but God forbid I don't want to lie about being sick! So, there, I attended the graduation. I want to show my face to the bosses that I am indeed back, and I'm not going anywhere until the first semester is over. I intend to resign after that because my husband and I have other plans, and Thirdy is learning to walk by then. I'd like to be with him every step of the way (pun intended).

So for the next two months (April and May), I am going to prepare my lessons and finish the paper. I feel pumped up and excited! It's good to be back.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Birthing in 2015

This is supposed to be a 'year farewell' post - y'know, that kind of post people write to enumerate the highlights of their year, to reminisce the good times, and to simply say goodbye (to 2015). So, I'd like to say something about my 2015 before I formally publish 2016 posts.

What I would like to say here is that 2015 was when I gave birth three times:

1) I gave life to my writing again - resuscitated or resurrected is the more appropriate word, perhaps.

2) I gave birth to my little boy - Achilles "Thirdy" Mendoza Villa III at 3:30 AM on August 3, 2015 at The Medical City.

3) I gave birth to a new blog, dedicated to movies only. I would like to be a film critic, so this is the avenue for me to hone my craft.

I look forward to 'raising' my babies this 2016. Cheers to 2015 and hello to 2016!