Most of our close friends and family members think our love story started on that fateful day of August 8, 2013, where we were formally introduced and were "arranged" to have lunch together.
I couldn't even look at you here.
What they don't know is that it started way back here...
We were strangers back then.
This photo was taken on December 2012. It was during the mass celebration and tribute for your former elementary teacher and my colleague, Prof. Hulleza. We were never introduced here contrary to what you said. I was sitting at the very back with some WVSU co-teachers, and you were sitting with Mabik here. But I do remember your nape and of course, your performance (you sang the song Maam Hulleza taught you). Your singing was so-so and unremarkable but your nape struck me. I remember telling myself, "This guy has such a dark nape!" I then inspected the rest of you. Looking at your Intel shirt, I assumed that you're an IT guy working in the Middle East because of your dark skin. That afternoon didn't feel so significant at all, but looking back now, I can only marvel at how love works in mysterious ways.
We never crossed paths again until 8 months after, when your sister and cousin (and aunt?) arranged for us to meet. I had second thoughts when your sister, (Manang) Hazel invited me to eat lunch with Helen Joy because we've have never been that close. I was suspicious when she said she'll bring her brother along (you). I went anyway because I thought there's no harm in joining a different company for lunch. So we ate in this Korean resto where we had to sit on the floor and you sat across me! I felt uncomfortable because I didn't know you that well, and how do you start a conversation with someone good-looking? I was attracted and intimidated at the same time. Then, you commented that I was holding my chopsticks wrong and handed me a spoon. I remember my face turning hot with embarrassment because your comment made me feel stupid. I thought you were fresh and such a smart aleck for saying those things out loud. Anyway, I vowed to myself that I would never join in such a "lunch" again and God forbid - meet you again.
As I said, love moves in mysterious ways. After that lunch, Helen Joy sent me a message to join her for a barbeque at their place the coming weekend. I was going to say no, but I couldn't come up with an alibi, so I said yes with a note of caution that it will be the last time I'll go out to join them and their "arrangements."
Hi, Rafa!
Well, what do you know? I actually enjoyed talking with you. You brought me home and asked for my number and that made me feel really giddy. That "Saturdate" perhaps sealed our fate.
With Scoutie who became our flower girl the next year
The next day which was a Sunday, we attended mass together and we had lunch in Sheridan, Oton. Then, on Monday, we had lunch in Cilantro, where laughing over a bowl of pho, I had an epiphany where I told myself, "I think I'm going to marry this guy." It was in the same line of thought as the one I had when I told myself that you had such a dark nape. It came out of nowhere, but the only difference this time was I felt like flying because of sheer bliss. You have to go back to Singapore that very night, but I was determined to communicate with you somehow. That night, I sent you a "may you have a safe trip" message. I wanted to sound casual, but I was in love already.

...And so, we communicated through Skype. I figured that you liked me, too. Why else would you spend late nights chatting about random and silly things with me? Those late nights, however made me groggy and useless at work the next day. Plus, I was daydreaming of you most of the time, so the papers I needed to check took a backseat until they accumulated. There were tons of work to do, too. I was angry at myself for getting carried away by my feelings. So I did what any crazy person would do - I blamed you!
It seemed like a good idea to blame you because the next thing I knew, you were also confessing your feelings for me, and that prompted you to take the next flight home. We had a good talk in Esplanade and we took that mighty leap of faith together. That was August 31, 2013. We met August 8, 2013, so you can imagine just how fast that was. Then 5 months after on January 26, 2014, you proposed!
How could I say no to you? You had me at hello. I felt like floating the entire time that day. We got married seven months after you proposed. Then, I got pregnant with Thirdy right away. God has been smiling down at us.
Ah, the glory of love!
Today is September 20, 2015, and we are celebrating our first wedding anniversary. I can't say that it has been a bed of roses the whole time. We have our differences, but then we vowed to make these differences work so we could complement each other. What's great about our first wedding anniversary is that it's no longer just the two of us now - it's already three of us! I think the greatest gift that we have received for our anniversary is that we were presented with another role - as parents. It's a big responsibility, but it's been a rewarding experience, so far.
It's been a year that we took that major leap of faith. Your nape is still dark, I still suck at using chopsticks, and we still have our Skype dates, but we're better, older, wiser - and I'm still truly, madly, and deeply in love with you.
Cheers to one year of love! Our love story continues...