Saturday, June 18, 2011


In the mass today, I was assigned to read the first reading. There was a passage that says "He refused evil and chose good." I jumbled the lines and instead I said "He chose evil..." I realized my mistake and corrected myself but the damage has been done. It was such a fatal error. How can God choose evil? I felt my face burning so I comforted myself with the thought that the people actually never listen to the readings and so no one will realize my mistake.

I've proven myself right when after the mass, everybody said I did a good job. No one ever mentioned my bloopers...

Even my co-readers and companions in the Reading Ministry who are the most critical people I've encountered, only said nice things about my reading. Therefore, I conclude that people never really listen to the readings during mass. They never really care about the content. If they do listen, they're just waiting for you to mispronounce.

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