Sunday, October 27, 2013


Today, I turned 30. I said goodbye to the decade that has been my 20s. My 20s was all about putting my passions into good use and making sure that I'm earning out of it. It was moving from one job to another until I found my rightful place under the sun. My 20s was all about building relationships and seeing them crumble right before my eyes. It was all about letting go and moving on. My 20s was all about testing my ideologies against the daily grind and see what worked and didn't. It was about learning from experiences. My 20s was all about angst, rebellion, heartbreak, and anger, yet at the same time it was all about knowledge, redemption, healing and purification. Together, they have formed the wisdom that I know will help me survive my 30s.

Today, I turned 30.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

End of the Semester

PSY 101 and The Teaching Profession classes are over, but graduate school classes are not! No sembreak for you and for me, and the entire human race!