First, instead of checking your blogs, my dear students I'm reading beauty and fashion blogs instead.
Second, University Week is next week already and Literary-Musical Contests will be on Friday but I still haven't made Melbin's oration piece.
Third, we'll be discussing about Feminism this Saturday in grad school but I haven't opened my textbook since last Saturday. I'll just have to tell my teacher that I'm the embodiment of a true feminist.
Fourth, I haven't edited the Blue Quill articles since last year. They're old news already. I sure suck as a paper adviser.
Fifth, is that I'm still typing here when I'm really supposed to be doing my work.
So, I got to go now. And thank you, dear students for following me. On a lighter note, It's our JS Prom two weeks from now. I found a good top. I'm thinking of having a matching skirt made. Wee! Excited, kids? I am.
Before I go, I'd like to post a pic of my pet.
It's actually a coin bank. I'm saving for a Bangkok escapade this summer with Maám Gemma. It doesn't have a name yet. Suggestions? If it's got a name, I'll definitely treat it more like a real pet and so will receive more coin-food. Name suggestions, please :)
As you can see, I'm not sure what its gender is, so any male or female names will do. Suggest a name and state your reason why you think it's a good name. The person who can suggest the most interesting name will get a really good surprise from me ;)
P.S. Its name is not NONO. I just put two N stickers there to remind me that I shouldn't think of opening the coin bank ever!
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